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How to get to us

The centre is located on No 2 Rainsford Road, CM1 2QD. 

It's only 5 mins walk from Chelmsford Station.


Note: For our centre Google search,

On the google map, it will shows

2 Rainsford Road CM1 1SY.

It's the same building so

you can click that link.


A. Once you have parked your car behind The Ship Pub,


B. Come to the front of the Ship Pub and

Turn Left onto Broomfield Road

(The Blinds Store Shop side).


​C. Keep walking on that road up to Traffic Light.

Less than 1 min walking distance.


D. And at Crossroads, Turn Right

to The Rehab Hair Salon.


E. Soon You will see  on the corner

a Green Mirrored Glassed Office

on the ground floor 

and No 2 Rainsford Road on the door.


F. It located between The Rehab Hair Salon and

Jehovah's Witnesses Building.


G. Press the Bell next to Sports Massage by S Shin

on the door.


How to get to Car Park


** You could park your car 

on Broomfield Road or on Rainsford Road too.


1. If you have a Sat Nav in your car,

then please put in the following post code -

CM1 1QS (Chinese Medical Centre in Railway street)

as this will bring you to the Car Park right behind

the Ship Pub in Railway Street. 


2. Your Sat Nav will bring you to Rainsford Road.

The County Hotel will be on your right side.


3. Pass the County Hotel. Come to the Traffic Light.

Drive straight from the traffic light on to Duke street.


4Turn left on to Wells Street.

Wells street is between the Co-op and Home Food Shop.


5. Drive on that Wells street to the end

then turn left on to Railway street. 


6. Chinese Medical Centre will be on your right side.

Pass this centre and drive on that street a little further.

Pay & Display car park is right on your front.


7, Now you can park your car there. 

Pay & Display parking meter is on your right side. 

You need a Debit card or Credit card to use the parking meter

Or download the App and pay it through the App.


(30mins-£0.50, 1hr-£1.50, 2hr-£2, 3hr-£3)

(Evening and Overnight  6pm-6am-£1.50)


8. Please put 30mins extra parking time to allow you to

get ready and enough to get finished your treatment. 


9. *Once you have parked your car,

please read through above A - G.


Contact Us


T: 07795 312 519












Contact: 07795 312 519


S Shin trading as Sports Massage by S Shin

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